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Nanopore latest Q20 Chemistry and R10.4 for Animal Testing – A True Combination of High Yield, Long read length and High accuracy

Recently, Oxford Nanopore announced technology updates and a series of product launches and upgrades at the Nanopore Community Meeting. The main focus was the launch of the new technology "Q20+", and Benagene is one of the first service providers to offer "Q20+" sequencing business in China.
The sequencing technology using the nanopore "Q20+" kit in combination with the R10.4 allows for >99% raw read length/"single strand" accuracy and Q30 double strand (duplex) accuracy, while achieving a high level of accuracy for consensus sequence. Other than that, the technology enables the identification of sequences and variants with high accuracy.
Recent animal samples sequenced by Benagene using the Q20+ kit in combination with the R10.4 show the following data:

According to the test results, taking the second chip as an example, for a single cell of animal samples, the output of raw reads can reach nearly 50G, and the output of pass reads output can reach over 40G. The average Q value of pass reads reaches over 18.62, with a corresponding accuracy of 98.63%, and the N50 of pass reads can reach 27Kb, far exceeding the read length of 15-20KB libraries in Pacbio HIFI mode! In summary, the advent of "Q20+" has greatly improved the accuracy of sequencing data with guaranteed output and read length!
At present, the Nanopore sequencing platform can currently run up to 48 cells at the same time, and the yield and sequencing read length are far superior to those of competitive platforms. We believe that Q20+R10 will make the assembly of genomes very quick and easy. Here we launch the "Q20+R10 Sequencing Plan", and welcome all teachers to participate in the application of the new technology. Chips are limited on a first come, first served basis. Come and contact us (contact account manager or email service@benagen.com).
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