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Product introduction

Pan-genome is the general term for all genes in a population, including core genes, non-essential genes (genes present in some samples), and unique genes (genes present in only one sample). Core genes are genes present in all samples, reflecting species stability and usually associated with species biological functions and major phenotypes; non-essential and unique genes, generally reflecting species-specific biological traits and adaptations to specific environments.
Nanopore sequencing and bioinformatic analysis techniques are applied to sequence and assemble different but interrelated individual materials at a higher depth to construct a pan-genome map and decode the complete genetic information of the species.
Genomic features Individual assembly indicators High assembly indicators
Simple genomes ONT(30-50×)+Illumina(50×) ONT(80-100×)+Illumina(100×)
Highly heterozygous and highly repetitive genomes ONT(50-60×)+Illumina(60×) ONT(80-100×)+Illumina(100×)

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